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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection" in terms of ensuring industrial safety

    This Law regulates social relations arising in the course of civil protection measures and is aimed at preventing and eliminating natural and man-made emergencies and their consequences, providing emergency medical and psychological assistance to the population in the emergency zone, ensuring fire and industrial safety and also defines the main tasks, organizational principles for the construction and operation of the civil defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, formation of, storage and use of state material reserves, the organization and activities of rescue services and units.

1. Training program Law of the RK "On Civil Protection" in terms of ensuring industrial safety" for managers, specialists and engineering staff

Course Objectives: training of officials and employees of enterprises in the field of industrial safety, organizations and facilities controlled by the state inspection for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of the Committee for state control and supervision in the field of emergency situations of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as research, design, construction, installation, repair and other organizations performing work for these enterprises, organizations and facilities

Course Content:

  • legislation in the field of industrial safety
  • state regulation system of industrial safety
  • responsibilities of organizations in ensuring industrial safety
  • production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements
  • the procedure for investigating the causes of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities
  • industrial safety declaring, hazard and risk analysis
  • the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations engaged in industrial safety at hazardous production facilities

Duration: 40 hours


2. Training program Law of the RK "On Civil Protection" in terms of ensuring industrial safety" for industrial workers employed at industrial facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Course Objectives: training of officials and employees of enterprises in the field of industrial safety, organizations and facilities controlled by the state inspection for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of the Committee for state control and supervision in the field of emergency situations of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as research, design, construction, installation, repair and other organizations performing work for these enterprises, organizations and facilities

Course Content:

  • legislation in the field of industrial safety
  • state regulation system of industrial safety
  • responsibilities of organizations in ensuring industrial safety
  • production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements
  • the procedure for investigating the causes of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities
  • industrial safety declaring, hazard and risk analysis
  • the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations engaged in industrial safety at hazardous production facilities

Duration: 10 hours

 Download Law of Republic of Kazakhstan "On Civil Protection"



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