First Aid
The first medical aid is the simplest medical actions that are carried out as soon as possible directly at the scene of the incident, at this moment turned out to be close to the production personnel, who have undergone special training and are familiar with the elementary techniques of medical care.
First aid to victims of accidents and sudden diseases is a complex of urgent measures aimed at ending the effect of the damaging factor, at eliminating the threat to life, at alleviating the suffering of the victim and preparing him for shipment to a hospital.
The course is conducted by certified medical professionals, with the development of practical skills. Upon completion of the course and successful verification of knowledge, students receive a certificate certified by the seal of the educational organization.
Training program "First Aid"
Course objective: training of employees in the provision of first aid to victims of accidents
Course Content:
First aid and methods of action:
- for burns
- for fractures
- for bleeding
- in case of poisoning
- with cardiac arrest
- with heat stroke
- with animal bites
Duration: 36 hours